Friday, November 12, 2010

Phidgets and frustrations

Beloved reader,

I am happy to report that through much trial and error, I have accomplished my mission of making some lights turn on off when they are supposed to.

I have the electronics and programming all figured out. Currrently I have a warning light for low vacuum, oil pressure, voltage and low fuel in left and/or right tanks. I am working on the physical interface now, and just need to figure out how to make the faceplate and printing. I think the marker lights are working too, but need to do more testing. I am confident that I know the process now though.

If anyone wants a copy of the project file so they do not have to reinvent the wheel, leave a comment and I will be happy to share via email.

I am currently using FSUIPC, FS2Phidgets 5 and a phidgets led64 card to make it happen. Will post pics when the housing is in place and working.

But for now, I feel like I am on the road to finishing something! Progress is very empowering.


  1. Hi Mongo

    After many forum searches, i have found at last found what i have been searching for, you must be the only person building the cessna warning panel, including the marker lights.

    I congratulate you for your work on this and the acheivment you have made, this project should be of great value to the GA SIM builders.

    I for one would love a copy of your project file
    and cant wait for you to figure out the faceplate and upload some photos.



  2. No problem,
    Please send me an email at reiddotbowmanatgmaildotcom. Will be happy to reply with the xml file. The project has been on hold for a while, but I am getting back into it soon!

  3. Paul,

    got your email. I am having some problems with my fs machine, so give me a couple more days and I will get that FS2P5 file to you.


  4. Mongo,

    I am having trouble getting my head around FS2PHIDGETS wth the LED64 card for my 172 sim, would appreciate it if you could forward your project file for this


    1. Wayne,

      Just caught your post. I would be happy to share. Don't want to post my email address but if you want to pm me at teh forums, I will get it to you.

    2. Sorry my username there is AK Mongo.
